Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Lucked out in Lubbock

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

A few blogs ago, I lamented about the state of rent in little ole Lubbock.

At M's urging, I started rental searching two days ago, scouring the classifieds for the ones in the desirable neighborhood and price range, to boot.

Monday was the most grueling. I jotted down the go-sees, planned my route and schedule, made appointments with Realtors and renters. But I didn't expect it to take all day, drifting in and out of the sun's glare in my ongoing cold headache -- you know, the kind that hits you right on the temples when you sneeze or cough. Include dehydration in the equation, and you get the picture of one pleasant day.

For the first time ever, I ventured out on a mission in yoga sweat pants (thank goodness they are fashionable!) and a T-shirt. Very attractive, huh?

Anyway, I lucked out on a lovely house in a neighborhood not far from the one I'm in now. The price is soooo right, and the interior is superior. It's an old house, evident from the facade and appliances, but the owners had upgraded it to include beautiful wood-paneled walls and new coat of paint. The dining room is even in that rich red. I love it. Just when I thought I was a shoo-in, this girl drove up in her Mustang and strode in. I was to learn later that she had applied for the house before me and she gets first dips. I was extremely emotionally beaten and proceeded to follow through with the appointments I made on the other houses.

They turned out to be disappointing. The interiors are grungy, appliances antique (not in the valuable sense), and I once again felt sucker-punched in every way, physically and mentally.

I drove around town a bit more and chanced upon another house I had seen on earlier drive-thrus. I recalled not getting any calls back about it. Upon further inspection, I realized it was leased by the same Realtors who showed me the first house I loved. I called and managed to secure a callback. It was only 2:30 p.m. when I wrapped up my day of house hunting.

Next, I did the only affordable relaxing chore I could afford - I went grocery shopping. After I had tucked away my groceries, the call came through for that final house on the list. The Realtor could meet me right away. I bolted for the car and was at the site right at the same time he pulled up into the semi-circular driveway. That was another feature I was sold on the house, aside from the location and trees. It was an older house- the appliances and built-in shelves betrayed it, too.

But the bathrooms were the most telling. The master has only a shower that was even a tight squeeze for me. But I was willling to overlook that since the secondary bathroom has a bath tub.

I WANTED IT because (a) I'm tired of looking(b) the house has a neat layout and character(c) it is in a good location I instantly called Mark to take a break from work and come see the place. Oh, I forgot to mention the reason for my haste is because we have to give a 30-day notice to terminate our lease and Monday was our deadline. Oops.

The Realtor kindly left the front door unlocked for us as I went to pick M up. Unfortunately, M did not share my enthusiasm. And for good reasons. I guess in my desperation and exhaustion, I settled for less.

The search continues.

Later that night when we were watching TV, I received a call from the Realtor of the first house I lost.

Apparently, there was some conflict between the Mustang "Sally" and her partner and they had to abandon their "dream house."

The first house is back in the rental market again. I asked if they could show M the house that very night and they obliged. M wasn't too keen about leaving the house. He had a long, tiring day at work and the last thing he wanted was to go see a house.

I managed to convince him that than was better than the next day when he had to make the trek all the way from work.

HE LOVED IT!!!!!! I signed the lease today and the Realtor ran a credit check on us.

And here is why I'm writing this: WE WERE APPROVED a few minutes ago. And the rent is about $305 less than what we are paying now!