Thursday, December 29, 2005

White Christmas in the Southwest

Happy belated holidays

Happy holidays, everyone. This is the closest I got to a White Christmas.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

The only reason I dislike Christmas

Be warned: If you like structure in blogs, stop reading. This is pure cathartic rant. Good for the soul. My soul.

Christmas, accompanied by all its commercial superficiality, will always hold a special place in my heart ... until I have to include baking and Christmas cards in the repertoire.

It's fine when I am the one making all the decision. Things are easy and dandy. But get my dear husband, M, in the picture, and things get really messy.

I don't mind making goodies to give out. But the frustration sets in when
(1) he makes the list and adds people who mean little to us. Give presents and baked goods to those who work well with you all year, that's my motto. But he has to be fair. Even to those who make life difficult for him. I know, goodwill towards men.
(2) Printing snafus. This year, we went to a really cool place for vacation and wanted to include that image for our Christmas cards. The design was ready soon after Thanksgiving. But home printing creates disalignment, which results in me waiting for him to fix the problem. It wasn't fixed until last night.

The week of Christmas. Now there is no way I can send those cards out in time!!!!! I should just send 1/2 priced Hallmark cards in future. You bastards probably throw the cards I send as soon as the new year sets in anyway, right? Never mind, I don't want to know.

I have to be fair. I can't pin all the blame on him. He's driven by ivory tower corporate to the edge. A mere 2 days before we had to leave for Christmas break, corporate had the gall to hand him a last-minute project to complete. He had no time to put out all the fires for me.

Also, those who know me well know I've no patience to spare. Every chore has to be done AT ONCE. I don't tolerate procrastination.

Anyway, I had been baking and sorting for 3 days straight. I have a guest coming tomorrow.

On Friday, we are flying to KC. Oh, I am unemployed hence there's no money coming in. I used Mark's debit card and misplaced it in the process, hence resorting to using my bank reserves for now.

You know what they say, when it rains, it pours.

May you find peace this holiday season, and goodwill to all men. Afterall, Christmas comes but once a year, there's no sense in stressing out.

Friday, December 9, 2005

A new game in town

Maybe those in the know already have gotten suckered into this game Sudoku. You may have seen an entire table at major bookstores dedicated to the method of playing the game.

For those unfamiliar with it, it looks like a crossword puzzle with numbers.

A few numbers are provided in a region of 9 squares within the puzzle. The player must fill in the blanks with well, numbers. The numbers range from 1 to 9. In the puzzle, no number can be repeated diagonally, vertically or horizontally.

Try it at and you'll get the picture.

Try it and see if you enjoy it. Maybe you can offer me some tips without utilizing the tempting "solutions" key.

Thursday, December 1, 2005

Be nice to us cos ...

We almost met our makers today.

We were taking a leisurely drive after lunch along the boondocks outside downtown. I, the driver, was approaching the green light. And as I neared the crossing line, two cars from the adjacent streets to my right started to cross, too. One red truck was on the right turn lane. Its driver did a rolling stop and made a sharp right. Meanwhile, another car, which had obviously been idling in the middle lane the whole time during the red light prior my approach, decided to make a run for it.

What transpired next was truly surreal.

I was driving at regular speed toward the car from the middle lane. In a spilt second, I was zig-zagging and steering as hard to the left as possible, while at the same time, keeping my eye on the side of the other car.

The nose of my car was so close to the driver's side of that car I thought I was going to pin M against it. I couldn't remember if we were silent or cussing the whole time the scene unfolded.

I thought I recall that car seemed to slow down or even pause as I was steering to the hard left.

When our cars were parallel to each other, it zoomed off. I didn't feel the contact between the vehicles.

But we pulled into a gas station.

Can you believe we, pasengers and car, escaped unscathed?

Although it would be nice if our car got hit cuz we needed a little detailing work on the back passenger door when I scratched it against a bank drive-through post.