Friday, January 26, 2007

I'm so ready I'm pathetic

OK, I've been seriously bitten by the baby-making bug for about 3 years now.

Most of you don't know this --for more than 2 decades, I resented children, even cute ones! Yes, I especially cannot tolerate their neediness. In some way, I now truly know why some subscribe to the notion that to not have children is a selfish thing. Not that I agree with that, but like politics, religion, Wal-mart, that's another subject I don't want to get tangled in.

Anyway, what makes me pathetic?

I was watching the travel channel last night. There was a great program that showcased the largest aquarium ( City of Arts and Science ) in the world in Valencia, Spain. Following that, it was a peek into Orlando's Sea World.

That was the feature that got me all gooey. They showed a segment where one of the killer whales was popping out a baby whale. It was the most amazing, clean (not taking into account that cloud of dark gas) and quick (well, after 4 hours of labor) mammal birth I've witnessed. Anyway, I was choked up with emotion.

So, there, a simple viewing of a whale birth got me all faklempt.

Plus, the number of impending pregnancies surrounding me from all 3 sides in the office. Aarggghhhh.


Amber: I, too, have been bitten by the baby bug but I know that the smart thing to do is hold off for at least another year or so until after Drew and I have settled into a home and have steady jobs. I cannot make it through a TLC "Baby Story" dry-eyed. I, too, am pathetic. :)

Jeremy: Good for you all. I personally have those pangs every now and again, when I look at a sweet, cute little toddler who's behaving him or herself, and I see the little girl or little guy reach up to their daddy for a hug. Those pangs decrease when they start screaming or throwing a tantrum in a public place, but they're still there every now and again.

Right now, I'm not ready for it. I'd prefer to have help (aka find the second daddy) be financially secure (which I'm still working on) and live in a state that won't discriminate against me when it comes time to adopt.

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