Saturday, June 17, 2006

House News 2

Remember the good news of the house we got? Well, we cancelled the contract. We are taking a risk by buying a house on the canyon, with a great view of the lake. It's one of the few water sights you'll get in this arid place.

Yah, it's messed up. Thing is, we could sign a contract and get the paperwork going right now. But I got locked into this other contract with that first realtor that's called a Buyer's Agent Agreement. NEVER EVER SIGN IT if you can help it.

When I first signed it, we thought that the first house is it. We were told this lake/canyon house is already sold. However, a runaway bride cancelled the contract and it's back up in the market.

Since I'm bound in this present Buyer's Agent Contract, which expires on June 30, the realtor of the canyon/lake house refused to go into any paperwork with me. (Note, she says it's HER listing. In other words, she doesn't wait to share her 6% commission. Greedy bastard. BTW, she lives in that area and thinks she is the grand po-bah of the listings there. Ego.)

Anyway, we decided to take our chances by taking her word that she will wait for us. Come July 1, which also is my b-day, we can get a contract going with her (that is IF SHE KEEPS HER WORD). Otherwise, it'll be a horrible b-day.

But is all lost? Not really, there are other houses shown by realtor 1 that appeal to us as well. So, we'll have a place to move into. But with time not being on our side, we may have to move stuff into storage, stay in an extended stay for a week, and move.

Housebuying is one difficult lesson of life.

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