Thursday, February 14, 2008

Reliving old blogs

Another senseless school shooting, this time at Northern Illinois University, and I am still sitting in the newspaper building, waiting on Mark to finish updating the site. We carpooled.

In the last 3 hours, I returned to reading all the blogs I'd written and realized a few things:

1. I can write good.
2. I went through quite a bit of drama the last year and so.
3. You guys rock.
4. I miss blogging.
5. I need to blog more often.
6. I'm in Chicago, a happening place, why aren't I blogging?
7. I need to take more vacations to blog more people and places.
8. I need to save money and quit buying shoes and clothes just because I'm working now.
9. I need to save up for another house purchase.
10. I have good renters now, and I hope they'll stay for a good long time.
11. Some of you need to start blogging again!
12. Some of you need to come hang out in Chicago with us!

Melissa: I totally agree about the "some of you need to come hang out in Chicago" one!!!

Me: Hey, when you don't have to pay for exorbitant lodging and I'll drop your ass at the train station (should you come on a weekday), why not!

Jeremy: I'll come to Chi-town when it gets warmer :) Meanwhile, next stop: San Francisco, April 3-9.

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