Saturday, November 12, 2005

Christmas display - none too soon

I never thought I'd say this but maybe it's not too soon that stores are gearing up for Christmas now.


I came to this realization when I was at Hallmark getting cards (no, not Christmas cards).

Hallmark aficionados know that if one buys three cards on prominent holidays, one gets a discount on their featured holiday item. This year's it's a snoman singing a medley of Christmas classics at a piano with flashing lights. Normally, I don't succumb to such gimmick but for $12.95, I thought I would get it as a gift to my toddler relatives back in Singapore.

In recent years, I had gained four cousins and a niece between the ages of a few months to 9 years.

To return to the point that it's not too early to shop for Christmas, I realized that this is the perfect time to buy since shipping tends to get really costly when I wait till 3 weeks before Christmas.

Bet that escaped your thought, too, right? I had been burned in the past by shipping my gifts too late, and the s/h ended costing more than the gifts combined. Not this year.

I have to be frugal with my money this year due to my lack of employment. So much so that I may have to succumb to sending, egads, e-cards to my friends.

Sorry to be such a Scrooge, guys.

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