Monday, February 26, 2007

Say it to my face if you have the guts

Hmm, where shall I begin?

I took a turn into a near-vacant parking lot of an upscale strip mall this Sunday, almost near closing time, when I spied a guy walking across the lot, acting too cool with his layered shirts, and disheveled rock star hair. It wasn't his appearance that put me off, but you can read the attitude of a bloke who thinks he's too sexy for his looks and all that, cuz he didn't employ the basic road-crossing 101 and that is to look both ways.

Anyway, I was going in what M called my Mario-Andretti lead-foot pace and decided to teach this guy a lesson - that the world doesn't owe him shit.

No, I didn't floor the car and rev the engine. When he looked over at the last minute and spotted my car, he expected me to stop for me. Instead, I just glided by and he was the one who had to put on his brakes. Ha!

After parking, I made a hasty visit into a women's clothing store and not finding anything, I bounded out of the store and headed into another store. It was here that I got a rude awakening; although in looking back, I shouldn't be surprised.

The bloke and I crossed paths in opposite direction, and I heard him muttered loudly under his breath "Bitch."

I was taken aback as I don't recall having anyone call me a name before. I have professed to being a bitch myself, but to be called one at such close proximity, that was interesting, to say the least.

I evaluated the situation as I was browsing. And I thought that was quite chickenshit of him. And I was glad I didn't turn around and dared him to say it to my face cuz I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of a reaction. I was pleased with my handling of the situation until I spent the next few seconds still pondering the situation and that's when I started to panic.

Jeez, if he were that angry at me to do such a cowardly thing, what next? He knows my car, the lot is near vacant, he could very well key it.

I hastened my pace out the door and did a once-around on my car. Thankfully, it was left intact. That was close.

I guess what I got out of this experience is that it's not worth it to teach someone a lesson. With his attitude, he'll get his just dessert in due time.


Bob: You were spoiling for a fight weren't you?? LOL, glad you made it out alive!

Jeremy: I say stalk him, and cut his face up the next time you see him. Or maybe not.

I know it's bad to wish ill upon those who cross your path, but I've been pleasantly satisfied to see people pulled over for speeding by the Georgia State Patrol who were tailgating me--as well as those who wind up flying off the road and hitting trees.

Ling... maybe we have some pent up rage that needs to be let out somehow. Maybe through boxing. Hmmm...

Patrick: I do not doubt that the guy was a complete asshole, but I gotta be honest--there is no way that, if I were in his shoes, I would take it as some sort of lesson to be learned. I would simply assume you were some self-centered, distracted, um, bitch. But then again, in New York, we don't wait when we get pissed off at drivers. I've actually screamed at drivers who've threatened me while I was crossing the street. It's a much more open and honest hostility, you know?

Me: He may not learn a lesson but at least I didn't let him get away with it.

You'll do great in China, where pedestrians and drivers and cyclists at constantly running amok of traffic laws. It's definitely a mob mentality.

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