Friday, April 7, 2006

I'm that neighbor that's a disgrace to your hood

So I just returned from setting up my booth at the citywide garage sale that's held at the fairgrounds tomorrow. And I have the sorriest setup compared to my neighbors.

These guys are pros, with arrangements that rival those at consignment shops. And it appears I also priced my items quite high. Yikes.

It's a claustro#*!& Talk about not having a theme or a sense of spatial design. And I had a soon-to-be colleague ask me "Aren't you a designer?"

Thank goodness I was glib enough to say I deal with two-dimensional design in newspaper.

How embarassing.

I hope I am able to clear as much crap that I'd accumulated and grown out of, to justify my paying $35 and spending 8 hours ALONE at my booth. Oh, I have to there by 7:30. And I was told by M we may be going to a party where we hardly know anyone that night. I'm so not looking forward to Saturday. And I don't know why I keep doing these darn things (I've held 3 to date).

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