Sunday, September 30, 2007

A sports fanatic. Me?

Nothing like moving to a major sports city to get the excitement and enthusiasm of of sports going.

I finally understand the basics of baseball. Go Cubs! Cubs slideshow with kickass Cubs anthem
Truth be told, I hate the song. So dated. But you just gotta listen for yourself. Hysterical!

I am religious about plopping down before the tube AND reminding Mark about the Bears game, and college football on Sat, Sun and Monday nights. Go Bears! Go Bama! Go Auburn! Go Gamecocks! Go Bulldogs! Boo to alllll California teams!

And most of all, I'll be sad when football and baseball seasons are over. I think that makes me a bona fide fan. And I'm considering buying some jerseys. Hmm. Urlacher or Hester?
Christina: another thing you and I have in common...between Gamecocks, Steelers, Panthers, Pitt, Penn State, Yankees, Red Sox, etc. etc. I have a busy time watching TV, reading sports sections and keeping up with ESPN Sportscenter. Then again, with everything going on, it also probably keeps me sane!

Jeremy: I used to not understand why people get so obsessed about sports or bother following them. Then I realized that we all need distractions. And a team to rally behind.

Me: Absolutely. A team with an IDENTITY and history, be it good or bad, at that. Especially in the doldrums of the impending winter, and the lazy homebodies like us!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Job lesson

I was anticipating a Monday start day for my job. Instead, I started midweek on Wednesday. At first, I was bummed.

But after my 3rd day training, I was really glad I didn't begin on a full work week. It's mentally draining trying to absorb so much, even for material that're quite familiar.

Oh, for those who aren't in the know, or with whom I didn't do a good job of staying in touch, I'm in recruitment inside sales. This means I'm tethered to a headset or having a sore neck from cradling a telephone receiver talking to customers placing help-wanted ads. If I do well enough, I may move on to outside sales, soliciting agencies. We'll see.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Back on the chaingang ... ooh, ahhh

Finally, after a week of putting off the other job offer, the one I want came through. How nervewracking. So, I'm back to work first thing Monday, my anniversary. So, that means no Jerry! for me. I'll settle for Cherry Garcia and a paycheck instead.

Oh, what am I doing? Sales, baby. Gonna work my way from inside sales to outside. I'm so excited yet scared. Never calculated commission in my life. I only hope I don't get burned come April 15.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

I'm so ashamed I forgot my anniv

OMG, how bad is it that I was reminded of our wedding anniversary by a gift certificate from a restaurant AND also to find out I'm attending a Jerry Springer taping the day of! How high-brow!

What a loser!
Jeremy: You're not a loser :) You're delightfully tacky ;)

Karen: jerry springer?! omfg lol! i can't imagine you of all people LOL

Monday, September 3, 2007

Renaissance Faire

Maybe this whet your appetite and you'll visit next year and we can combine the Bristol Renaissance Faire and the Celtic fest the following week.