A bit of insight and education about this immigration situation that's getting kids leaving classrooms to demonstrate and Congress being more bipartisan than ever.
Lou Dobbs Tonight (CNN) has been in Cancun covering the Presidential Immigration Summit that had Bush, Vincente Fox and the Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper participating. I have been following his coverage as I find him representing the middle class voice that is largely ignored by this vote-pandering government.
Here are some highlights from what I had observed from Lou Dobbs and also from Wolf Blitzer's Situation Room:
1. While the illegal immigrants that have been in the news are largely that of the Mexicans, the group of criminals also include those from Asia, Europe and other countries. The reason Mexicans are prominently the focus is because they make up the largest groups.
2. Vincente Fox adopts a double standard when it comes to the immigration issue. Fox, the Mexican president who BTW will be ending his term in 8 months, has closed HIS COUNTRY'S SOUTHERN BORDER to the illegal immigrants from the Central American countries. However, he is insisting that his countrymen, a la the illegals, have the right to cross MEXICO'S NORTHERN BORDER to the United States of America.Why? Because he has failed to create jobs for his people. No, he did not offer that reason himself. That would be admitting he hasn't delivered on his campaign promise. Rather, that fact was provided by a Univision (the Hispanic TV) representative in The Situation Room, a show hosted by Wolf Blitzer. The show follows Lou Dobbs Tonight.
3. Fox has a major role in dictating U.S. policies AND encouraging illegals heading to U.S.A. And it is obvious in Bush's podium speech at the summit when he told Fox he appreciated his "help." Transcript: Fox's newfound cooperation is not likely to have much impact, especially now that hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens and open borders advocates are now waving Mexican flags in demonstrations on American soil. And Fox is still refusing to do anything to stop the millions of illegal aliens who gather along Mexican border towns that are staging areas for illegal crossings, saying he won't restrict the freedom of movement of Mexican citizens. Despite that, President Bush thanked President Fox for his efforts.
4. L.A. has day centers where illegals gather to seek jobs. It is run by the local government. Daily, employers will select these illegals to perform the day's labor at low cost. They do not have to show any identification and the employers do not ask for them. The greatest shock in this scenario is that the local government sanctions it.
Read Lou Dobbs' transcipt from March 31, Friday: http://edition.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0603/31/ldt.01.html
Christina's response: It is so hypocritical for Fox to have the southern border closed yet scream when we want to close OUR Southern border. And it is also a known fact that Mexicans while frequently yelling about immigration policies being discriminatory are also in turn VERY discriminatory to Hondurans and Guatemalans who enter their country or compete for labor with them here in the U.S. This whole situation is so full of double standards it makes me want to scream. I agree with you that Lou Dobbs has some of the best coverage. If you get a chance also catch the Lehrer news hour on PBS if you can for some very good discussions about this, and The Economist out of London has written some excellent essays!